Young Wife and Bad Things


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“Miss, do you really want to marry a guy like this?”

“…It doesn’t matter. Please marry me.”

A heartless and ruthless brute.

The reason she showed up to meet the heir of the nation’s largest crime syndicate was simple:

He was her first love.

“I gave you a chance to run away from a guy like me. Why didn’t you take it?”

Beom Do-geon had been the only adult who extended a helping hand to Seo I-jae, who had been lonely and impoverished as a child.

“No matter how much of a thug I am, I don’t lay hands on soft little twenty-year-olds.”

“Even if I’m soft… my body isn’t as young as it looks.”

Cheeky. The man chuckled at her remark.

The Seo I-jae he had met again had fully grown into a woman.

Her calm suggestion of a real marital relationship, paired with her innocent face, was irritating.

“…Why are you being so nice to me? We’re just a fake couple.”

A three-year contract marriage.

Crippled and an orphan with no one, Seo I-jae felt like the most pitiful wife in the world next to this perfect man.

“I guess I spoiled you too much.”

But, I-jae…

Do-geon muttered in a voice twisted with obsession,

as he spoke to the wife who dared to capture him and then tried to leave.

“Go ahead and try to run. I don’t know how much slack I’ll give your leash, though.”

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A Young Wife and Misdeeds
어린 아내와 나쁜 짓
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