Young Master and I


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I was the most favored maidservant of Young Master.

The reason was simple: Young Master had fallen on hard times, and all the other maids had run away.

I laughed at their lack of vision. With someone so handsome, bringing him back home as a husband wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.

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One entry per line
Related Series
Our Second Master (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance
  2. Faves Short Stories/Oneshots
  3. Best of the best (2)
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
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11/09/24 Crimson Translations part5
11/09/24 Crimson Translations part4
11/09/24 Crimson Translations part3
11/09/24 Crimson Translations part2
11/09/24 Crimson Translations part1
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2 Reviews sorted by

New Bookworm_Sueweetie rated it
November 18, 2024
Status: Completed
Despite the novel being short, this tackled alot. Some resolutions must be rushed but understandable bc of being short story.

I also like the trust and growth of relationship between Yue Do (ML) and Ling Da (FL). Both were smart but their environment growth difference made them balanced out their plans lol (ML being straightforward gentleman while FL being more of schemer). Their brains together made them succeed and enable to rise. I'm glad on last part, that some of FL's success was not attached to ML and have individual accomplishment.... more>> I also liked the history of ML's mother. <<less
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New bluesonnet rated it
November 10, 2024
Status: Completed
Nice short story about a headstrong girl and a straightlaced scholar. I was a bit surprised how much the story covered for something this short. At times, it felt like I was reading summaries of chapters rather than the actual chapters themselves. My only complaint is that there wasn't much romance and almost zero fluff.
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