You’ll Regret It


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Abandoned by her family, Yuri lived in a temple.

One day, the darkness spoke to her.

“Baby. I don’t hate you. I just want to give you a chance.”

“ A…..chance.”

“Yes. You’ll be married to the frontiersman soon. If you can get him to promise, you will win. I’ll listen to whatever you want.”


“But if you can’t, you’ll have to give me everything.”

How long had it been since she had accepted the bet? Yuri fell in love with the northern man.

“If I, I…….looked a little more like that woman. Would you have loved me…?”

“No, I swear. Even if I died, I wouldn’t love you.”

“Eddie….I, I.”

“You’re not my mother.”

She eventually surrendered to the darkness on the day she was abandoned once again by the people she loved. Yuri closed her eyes as the curse took everything from her. And when she woke up,

“I’ve been waiting for you, for years. I missed you.” (Husband)

“Mother. I’ve never regretted saying that word.” (Child)

“Yuri, if you agree. I want you to come back to the Duchy.” (Father)

‘Why are you saying that now? If I were then, I would have forgiven you. And I could have been happy saying thank you.’

Tears came out.

‘It’s too late to apologize. I am no longer the person I was then.’

Associated Names
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Related Series
My Husband Will Regret This (1)
My Husband Hates Me, But He Lost His Memories (1)
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After She Left (1)
I Don’t Want to Be Loved (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Angsts
  2. red flag statements
  3. not so saintly
  4. Scums Grovel Arc (+ Family And ML Editions)
  5. Korea female protagonist 3

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02/04/22 RainOfSnow prologue
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3 Reviews sorted by

March 19, 2022
Status: --
The translation is readable, but confusing. About a half step up from MTL.

Anyways. Yuri, our MC, is a pitiful creature. Her mother was proclaimed a witch for being able to seduce a Duke and managing to swing a concubine position from him after getting pregnant with Yuri. In a bid to become the rightful wife, her mother (allegedly) killed the Duchess as well as the Duke's youngest, and favorite, daughter. Yuri's mother was executed, and Yuri, after being tied to her mother's rotting corpse and made to stand outside in... more>> the town square for TWO WEEKS, at age 8, was purposefully crippled, then shipped off to become a s*ave of the temple. There, she was mainly used as a demo doll for the priest's holy healing powers. Cut, poison, or burn her a bit, then heal her for practice or show. Despite being scarred, mistreated, and unloved, the Yuri of this time still had a purely sincere hope in the world, which seemed to shine out of her. She just makes you hurt so much to watch.

On her 18th birthday, in her frigid hovel of a room, Yuri meets the Darkness. A strange being made entirely of shadows who speaks to her kindly and offers her affection. The Darkness makes a deal with Yuri. It tells her that, soon, she will be marrying the strongest man in the land. If she can get him to promise her eternity, even if he is fake and insincere, if he just says the words with a filthy, lying mouth, The Darkness will grant Yuri's every wish. But if she can't, the Darkness will get everything Yuri is.

Shortly after, Yuri experiences a miracle: she died in her cold little room that night, but then came back to life. The priests declare her chosen by God, the Emperor takes interest. Suddenly, her biological father, the Duke, has taken her home, and they're making plans to have her marry the most powerful man in the North. Our hopeful little Yuri wants to believe in the best so badly, she practically starts glowing from hope. But, people suck. People suck so, so much.

This one is going to hurt, as we watch Yuri slowly get all of the light bled out of her. It is going to hurt so bad. The Darkness takes everything Yuri is.

Then Yuri comes back.

To speak in tropes: This is definitely a "Break the Woobie" genre of story. You have been warned. It's like watching people kicking a golden retriever puppy who just can't understand why they're doing it and keeps trying to snuggle to get them to stop, only to be stuck in a burlap sack and booted off the bridge. I haven't gotten far enough to see if this will then turn into a "Woobie, destroyer of worlds, " but oh, this reader can hope. <<less
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BoredMonster rated it
June 6, 2022
Status: --
I actually really liked this novel. It was angsty, dark, had some pretty heavy stuff and let's face it we all love a girl boss overcoming her trauma and ab*se, that's why we're here. But guess who read the spoilers for endgame ml? That's right, it was me. Endgame is her ab*ser husband. No thank you.
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asadia363 rated it
October 31, 2022
Status: c27
I like reading tragedy novels and get into my feels but with a character development and a badass revenge, I was kinda hoping that from this novel, considering the title and summary. I only read a few chapters not much available and decided to spoil myself anyway and my God was I disappointed with the ending, some of this writers don’t know how to handle a broken and severely ab*sed character, it’s really sad I feel for the female lead and how poorly she was handled.
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