You Think an Unorthodox Dark Healer Can’t Make Money? ‘Then I’ll Just Defect.’ So, I Defected. I Worked in the Demon Kingdom. I Earned Money. I Got Promoted. I Built a House. I Got a Wife. The Human Nations Declined


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In order to make money, the young man “Kiwi Alaya” was running a clinic as a dark healer in the kingdom. However, with the outbreak of war between the kingdom and the demon kingdom, he was labeled a heretic.

Threatened by the kingdom’s army that he would be burned at the stake for heresy unless he closed his clinic and assisted in torturing captured demon soldiers, Kiwi immediately decided:

“If that’s the case, I’ll just defect.”

Since he couldn’t make money in the kingdom, he devised a plan to defect and decided to work in the demon kingdom. Although his initial motive was purely self-interest, his sincere and responsible work ethic, along with the demons’ favorable misunderstandings of him, allowed Kiwi to steadily build trust and wealth in the demon kingdom.

Meanwhile, in the kingdom that let Kiwi slip away, the soldiers of the demon kingdom, who seemed to recover quickly from their injuries, began to pressure them, causing the once advantageous war situation to gradually shift…?

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