You Became a Public Good, Sir


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One day, the Crown Prince of the Empire suddenly fell ill. Despite the efforts of all the Empire’s physicians, the Crown Prince’s condition only worsened. The Emperor fell into deep despair. At that moment, an oracle was delivered.

[The Crown Prince will be cured if he drinks the milk of Sir Kedrick Lachenov.]

Kedrick Lachenov. Known as the guardian of the royal family, the Commander Knight of Lexion. Without hesitation, he accepted the oracle.

“I am Kedrick Luthens of the Lachenov family and the Commander of the Knights of Lexion. As long as my loyalty to the royal family remains unchanged, I will gladly offer my life if asked.”

Kedrick was subsequently imprisoned in the temple’s underground and subjected to various methods of inducing lactation. Until milk began to flow from his chest.

“…When will I be able to go back?”

“Why are you asking me that, Kedrick? You should be asking your own chest.”

Lewis l**ked his thin lower lip, anticipating Kedrick’s face, twisted in shame and near tears.

“Thinking about you begging and crying to have your chest touched is so exciting… it’s driving me crazy.”

The golden eyes, once fiercely shining like a wild beast, became moist and distorted. Each time Kedrick gasped for air, his large chest swayed.

“Isn’t this all for His Highness the Crown Prince?”

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1 Review

Sep 03, 2024
Status: Completed
3/10 (can’t change the star rating for some reason)

This sh*t surprisingly got real sad when all I thought I was getting was some lame p*rno plot.

the poor MC... god bless his soul after everything he was put through I actually got so depressed in the last chapter.

... more>>

When he got revealed that they planned this entire thing just to break him, I was sooo pissed, everything was fake only to get him out of the way, like he did everything for the imperial family only for them to treat him like the scum that r*ped him 😒


don’t get me started on the male lead, he’s a scumbag


even though he did everything and made a deal with the prince to show the bad side of nobility to the MC and to get rid of the curse that was on him by the royal family to control him, he really did isolate the MC and made him depend on him, literally breaking him, so depressing 😭


The only points I’ll give it was that I was intrigued by the political parts of the story somewhat and the MC (even if he felt like a naive fool), but in the end most of the novel is just mindless smut <<less
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