Yandere? Menhera? Bring It On, If You’re Confident That I’ll love You For Who You Are


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Abandoned by his parents at a young age and constantly attacked by countless injustices, the boy lived on resiliently. Time passed, and it was a few months ago when he was desperate to meet the expectations of his beloved.

The red blood that flowed before his eyes, and his fallen sister at the end of it. The boy was dumbfounded by the sight that was all too brutal. What took everything away from the boy was love, a love that was so distorted from the girls who were broken because they loved him.

However, fortunately or unfortunately, the boy had an overwhelming “power” to confront that love.

“Go ahead and try. If you’re really confident that I’ll love you for who you are. But this time, I’m going to resist a little bit.”

This is a dark romance story of the strongest protagonist who challenges the broken heroines.

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03/14/24 Hiraeth Translations c55
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The Real Krauser
The Real Krauser rated it
April 21, 2024
Status: c41
i highly recommend! Honestly a dope read and interesting. There's alot of yanderes or menhera's out for the MC and some very tragic stuff but you really don't feel sorry for anyone. You might feel sorry for the MC but in my opinion

MC is also a menhera but not like their yandere kind more like he forgives him no matter what fked up shat they do to him even if its reverse r*pe or s*xual harassment he lets it slide with a smile "for a normal life"

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