Yandere Idol


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I have always been her most steadfast companion, her confidant and closest ally.

I can tell that she’s fallen for me, her obsession growing with the distance between us.

But, she’s an idol now.

We can’t be together… right?

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Aidoru ni natta hazu no osananajimi ga itsu made tatte mo ore ni amaete kuru ndesuga, iroiro to yabainode sorosoro kanbenshitekudasai
My childhood friend who was supposed to be an idol keeps relying on me, but it's getting a bit weird so I'd like to stop
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JaybrookeB rated it
August 25, 2024
Status: c32
Disclaimer: I'm the translator.

Alright, so let's do a quick run through of what I like about this novel and why I picked it up. Before that, I should clarify that this is an incredibly character-driven novel with a (mostly) slice-of-life tone. If you're not down with that, this novel isn't for you. But, if you are, I think you're in for an awesome experience after slogging through the rest of the schlock on N.U. To find this.

So, the reason you're all here: Yandere. It's in the title for God's sake.... more>> So, how's the YANDERE, translator? Well, for the yandere-enthused among us I'll tell you that it's pretty satisfying and well-justified, especially in the later chapters. Aoi, the female protagonist, is incredibly possessive, clingy, and stalker-y and willing to do just about anything for the MC's attention including having her dress and career dictated by him whilst being downright mu*derous towards other girls. Still, this isn't the entire focus of the story and the light-hearted nature is still the author's intention. If you're not comfortable with that, don't know why you clicked on this novel in the first place, this is obviously not for you. This starts around c15.

The romance. Diabetes galore with the occasional bout of jealousy because the MC's eyes brushed past another woman. Super, super sweet interactions with headpats and hugs, with dialogue to match, and in-apartment dates. They're both aware of their feelings for each other and it's mutual, though it's hard to escalate because of her career. There's a love triangle! Just started developing around c32, with the other girl, Akasaka being down bad our MC despite him being honest about being in love with Aoi. She's still willing to do her best, my heart goes out to her. Not really.

Let's take a moment to assess our protagonist. Sota's a chill guy. Not quite apathetic, but he's pretty used to Aoi's shenanigans by now and isn't all that fazed when Akasaka tries to pull stunts to get his attention. Sota knows these girls like him, so if you're here for your average dense beta male JP MC, out of luck. He does stutter, and he does blush when it comes to Aoi, not frequently thank the Heavens, but can you blame the guy? It's an attractive woman, an idol, for gods sakes and his long-time crush.

I'm sure there's other stuff I'm missing, but this is what really stood out to me. Hope you enjoy. <<less
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