Xiaobei’s Life as a Proud and Respected Woman


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Li Xiaobei, twenty-three years old, graduated from medical school for one year, interested in adventure, raising flowers, small animals, sloppy, a little lazy, Xiaobei likes romance, loves fantasy, every day except for the lottery, it is imagined on TV or like in the book, it’s more fun to go through the fun on an ancient adventure.

What is a dream come true? Xiaobei’s dream was realized, but it’s not one in five million, but an accident when it’s an adventure. Crossing over to this place? what! Female respect! Xiaobei is a bit silly.

She always advocates equality between men and women and hates masculinity!

But this is a female-dominated world, does it really exist? Is this a matriarchal society?

No, this is ancient, but it is also not ancient. It looks like the Chinese Tang and Song Dynasties.

Xiaobei doesn’t know what Tang and Song are, but doesn’t have books or television? Coming to a different world?

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Arie Sun
Arie Sun
November 19, 2018
Status: Completed
First of all, this is my first time reviewing and English is my third language. Ok, let's move on to the topic here, the story is kinda monotone. It is slice of life type. She didn't even had any hardship. Everything went smoothly. It is fairly an easy read. She has a really seamless ride from the beginning to the end. Don't expect too much and yeah kinda unrealistic and boring. To summarise, she is Mary Sue.

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I feel greatly dissapointed that I ended up creating an account to review and teared up a little because of this. No, the ship is not the one you expect. She will marry a 17 y/o man that will appear in 110+ chapter. It is not Ziyu! Don't ship them cuz it will sink like titanic. I feel his pain, I didn't even bother reading past where Ziyu will marry one of the s*aves that Xiaobei got. I skipped her wedding and whatever cuz I'm petty. My heart breaks for him, I didn't want to read Xiaobei happiness whatsoever. I continue reading Mary Sue because I want to see Ziyu get his love but ok.

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