Wrong Marriage, Right Love


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What kind of experience is it like to wake up and find that you have slept with your sister’s fiancé? Gu Feiyan said, it’s so sour! In a deliberate switch, Gu Feiyan and Gu Mingzhu’s identities were switched. As the bloodline of the Gu family, Gu Feiyan has never cared about her father or mother since the day she returned to the Gu family. There are only endless losses and grievances, and no one loves her. And Gu Mingzhu took away her identity, robbed her parents, and tried to destroy her completely. Who doesn’t know that Miss Gu’s family is gentle and demure, beautiful and dignified, a person who is as refined as a fairy? And who doesn’t know that the second young lady of the Gu family is arrogant, self-willed, promiscuous, and suffers from gynecological diseases because her private life is too chaotic. But… “Brother-in-law, you sleep while I sleep

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  1. Real Child vs Fake Child Standalone list
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kawaii12345 rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: Completed
It's sort of like Full Marks Hidden Marriage but worse. I Can't even recommend it as mindless fun. It's just too much to be believed. Just going on the opening, your asked to believe the antagonist has been successfully scheming the protagonist for 8 years, that foreplay for the MC is getting her hand dislocated. There's also a bunch of r*pe, near r*pe, etc. Overall I think most people would have killed off that family and the fake sister but who knows.

Get past the bad soap opera plot, the writing... more>> is pretty bad as well. It's almost impossible to tell who is present, let alone who is speaking. Overall a very bad read. <<less
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