Would You Mind If I Play?


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Zhang Jun joined Shu Guang High School to find that their soccer team are bottom-feeders! What could he do? Who is his beautiful new neighbor? And who is Li Yongle, and why would he declare himself as Zhang Jun’s rival? Youth, romance, and rivalry, all waiting for you in “Would You Mind if I Play?”

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Sports
  2. Sports! Sports! Sports!!!

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/28/18 Webnovel c50
06/27/18 Webnovel c49
06/26/18 Webnovel c48
06/25/18 Webnovel c47
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2 Reviews sorted by

Solyom rated it
June 15, 2018
Status: c31
I don't really get the numerous one star ratings. The main focus of the story is the football, and it's done considerably well. You get a description of the tactis of both teams, and those are all real life tatics. The characters are a bit underdeveloped, true, but that can't be the cause of the ratings alone. The author also avoided the pitfall of stuffing the story with a ton of undistinguishable characters. Introducing 20-25 well defined characters in 31 chaps is simply unrealistic. That"s not a novel but a... more>> telephone directory. This still should be the introduction part, as the main team is still not complete yet.

You won't get a wuxia or xianxia level of action, but that should be obvious from the title already.

All in all, I find it a good read if you like football. Otherwise, you should avoid a novel about football... <<less
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stanljpierre rated it
July 9, 2022
Status: --
Honestly didn't read much of this, but the low rating is understandable. Gave it a shot due to the one good review, but I was let down. This novel is just too unrealistic and I a feel disconnect with the characters. I simply cannot feel any emotional attachment whatsoever. The pacing is poor, and very few things make any real sense without seeming to be forced. Just the initial 10 chapters or so tells a very clear picture of what the rest of the novel will be like with there... more>> only being 100 chapters to begin with. Would only recommend this if you simply have nothing else to read, otherwise you aren't missing out on anything. <<less
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