World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others


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In a world where survival depends on victory in an alien battlefield, warriors are assigned a crucial keyword that determines their fate.

With attributes that rapidly grow when aligned with their keyword, they gain superhuman abilities.

But if their persona collapses, they weaken. In this apocalyptic-like world, acting skills are paramount.

Acting is sustenance, glory, privilege, and life. Join the battle and discover the true meaning of bravery, cunning, righteousness, and more.

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End of the World: I Have One More Keyword Than Others
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May 25, 2024
Status: c32
Fang Qi — MC.

I had to edit the amount of chapters and that it's completed since obviously this page might not have been updated for a while.

I'm so sorry I would have never thought I would review a story so early before reading at least 100 chapters, but I HAVE to.

The beginning is slightly slow, but soon after about 5-10 chapters it definitely picks up the pace.

(I am literally dying of laughter ever since ... more>>

Wang San

was introduced.)

The MC, Doug/Du Ge or Fang Qi (MTL differs for the "Doug" since sometimes its spelled differently) is incredibly scheming and smart, but in a more human way. He makes some mistakes and he grows from them and learns more about the simulation world and the real world gradually.

There aren't much or any info dumps at all, really.

Fang Jiu, a character also introduced in chapter 1 along with Fang Qi is an interesting character whos also smart but in a different way. Everyone in the simulation world has to be smart but somehow the author writes it so they don't have the same personality, meaning somehow I believe that all the introduced "Demons" have different types of smart.

He's a surface level person though. (Not WRITTEN surface level. I mean his personality and character is pretty surface level and he doesn't look into things. He's the s*upidest "Demon" introduced yet.)


Fang Zhong is actually the second smartest after Fang Qi because everyone only found out he was a "Demon" after he successfully betrayed the Fang Family and escaped. MC also "betrayed" thw Fang Family but tricked them into thinking he didn't.


Every character in this novel does not immediately trust or believe in MC, and he has to constantly reassure and scheme into making them trust him.

Some are more naive than others but even the naive characters are not s*upid. This is realistically written and how I believe characters in martial arts worlds' would realistically act, instead of trusting someone after they've, for example, saved them once.

They don't fully trust Fang Qi without suspicion or doubt EVER, with the exception of...


Fang Shiyi after MC assassinates the leader of the Iron Palm Gang who's name I refuse to write since I don't actually remember it. It was pretty long. He had a nickname (?) though which might be Lao Qiu. Not sure if it's a nickname. But anyways Fang sh*t witnesses the act while he's leaving, and runs into the night while muttering how the Fang Family with forever be grateful for his, blah blah blah.


I don't really like Fang Shiyi a lot, but Fang Qi sure appreciated him.

Anyways, I actually really want our Yandere "Demon" Guy to stay with Fang Qi but I don't know if that'll happen.

A lot has happened 32 chapters in already and I'm quite excited for the rest of the story. It's very well written and the plot is interesting. I'll update once I've gotten to chapter 100. <<less
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