Witch Hunt


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The sad tale of a Prince and a Witch. Lucca, a girl, and Gakupo, a prince, fall in love. Michelle, a nun, who sees the couple together grows jealous, as she has harbored her love for the prince for a long time. The Nun thinks that the girl must have used Black Magic to have the Prince fall in love with her and declares her a Witch.

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  1. Witches!!!

Latest Release

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10/14/18 Creepy and Evil... c5 part6
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12/17/16 Creepy and Evil... c4 part4
12/17/16 Creepy and Evil... c4 part3
12/10/16 Creepy and Evil... c4 part2
12/08/16 Creepy and Evil... c4 part1
10/02/16 Creepy and Evil... c3 part6
08/15/16 Creepy and Evil... c3 part5
08/15/16 Creepy and Evil... c3 part4
08/15/16 Creepy and Evil... c3 part3
08/15/16 Creepy and Evil... c3 part2
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Karma95 rated it
May 27, 2019
Status: c5 part6
A really good read Id say. The first chapter starts off with with some comic pages and throughout the story there is some artwork as well, which are really nice bonuses. The translations is well done, so that was a pleasant surprise. Though when they do time skips, its hard to tell at first and sometimes it hard to see from when and where the chapter is even taking place. But its not too much of an issue.

The story so far is really interesting and I really want to see... more>> what happens next. The characters are pretty well written id say? The internal conflicts are nice to watch as the story progresses.

As someone who isnt apart of the vocoloid community really I cant say whether the characters are, well, in character, or if they are completely different, but oh well I guess lol.

I had heard this song like a couple years ago (I love the english cover by Jubyphonic, is really good and I check it out.) and it was stuck in my head all while reading lol.

Ah but if you like fantasy settings with drama and budding romance, I highly recommend checking this out, even if it hasnt updated for a while. :'≪


And the fact that it ends on a huge f*cking cliffhanger >:'U

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