Who Left Flowers On Assistant Manager Jung’s Desk


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Yeon-jae, who had always believed himself to be a beta, hears shocking news at the hospital.

“I’m… going to manifest?”

As if things weren’t confusing enough, rumors of company restructuring begin to circulate, and Yeom Kang-hyun, the head of human resources, starts coming to the office.

Yeon-jae, feeling uncomfortable around Kang-hyun with his complex emotions, and Kang-hyun, who openly shows his interest in Yeon-jae.

However, as time passes, Yeon-jae’s heart begins to waver at Kang-hyun’s expressions of affection, and seeing the flowers Kang-hyun leaves on his desk every day, Yeon-jae finally acknowledges his own feelings and begins a romance…

“Seeing the flowers made me feel good, so I bought a flower pot too.”

“I’ll leave it here, so come whenever you want to see it.”

“Why are you doing all this for me?”

“So I can see you whenever I want to.”

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“I left just one flower because I was worried it might be burdensome, but tomorrow I’ll bring a basket.”

“No,” Yeon-jae reflexively waved his hand. At this gesture of rejection, Yeom Kang-hyun’s eyebrows twitched in disappointment.

Saying he would bring flowers again tomorrow was tantamount to asking if Yeon-jae would accept his confession.

But feeling that Yeon-jae had rejected him, Yeom Kang-hyun was overwhelmed with deep regret.

“The vase is small, so it can’t hold many flowers. I just like having one flower.”

As Yeon-jae’s true feelings came out, Yeom Kang-hyun’s face changed moment by moment before starting to crumble.

His lips parted, unable to control themselves, and his eyes kept trying to close.

Yeon-jae stared blankly at Yeom Kang-hyun’s bright smile mixed with relief. Even a passing glance revealed an unforgettable appearance, and now he was smiling because he had feelings for Yeon-jae. How strikingly handsome it was, leaving a more powerful impression than any work of art.

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누가 정 대리 책상에 꽃을 두었나
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