While I Was Trying Hard To Be Popular With Girls, I Became a Strong Mental Mob Who Is Popular With Men


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The protagonist reincarnated into the supporting character named Jean who only existed for the tutorial of the game. Since he has been reincarnated as a handsome person, he doesn’t want to die young. He wants to flirt with a lot of girls. However, instead of being popular with girls, he became popular with men.

This is a novel about the lighthearted avoidance story of such a protagonist from them.

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Nurturing the Hero to Avoid Death (1)
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PalenMisha rated it
January 3, 2022
Status: c3
Jan 3, 2022: This is fantastic so far. It is clearly not taking itself seriously. First 3 parts are the original short story. They set the groundwork. MC is in a game he played and is an expendable character that dies at the end of the tutorial. Clearly he is not keen on that so he basically levels himself up. He also discovers there is a sort of system correction that kicks in if he tries to stray too far from the story. He doesn't die, but seems to become... more>> super badass to the point several characters are interested in him. The sequel is just adding to the story (like a DLC to add a character to a game which amuses me). The translator has indicated there is a serialized version which is longer (and smutty) that will be worked on next. I will definitely be reading that as well. Translation is excellent by the way. 4 stars for now, but will revisit after completion.

Edit (Jan 16, 2022) : Just an FYI to anyone that hasn't read this yet and is considering: part 1-3 is summarised in c1 and sequel part 1-3 is summarised in c2. I didn't regret reading chapter 1 and 2 since it's been about a month since I read the short story versions so they were a nice summary for me, but if you're going to binge, you can safely skip the short stories and start at c1. <<less
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SQUASHY rated it
June 24, 2023
Status: --
This is hard, can someone pls tell me where to read this novel? I am having trouble looking for it.

As to why I am desperately trying hard to find the novel, is because I suddenly got curious because of the description, and I'm always the curious type, so pls tell me

Idk why but I think that I would definitely like this novel especially because of the description of it.
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cutekittensmeow rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: --
It's really hard to read, and not because of the translation. The writing style is weird and disjointed. It doesn't read like a story, it reads like a summary of a bunch of barely described events. I couldn't bring myself to want to read past chapter 1 because there was no substance.
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Sue_delulu rated it
July 15, 2024
Status: --
First of all this story is fcking messed up!! Literally messed up!!! The story was written like those bxg harem genre...

... more>>

Like there's a scene where the two uke, kiss and licks each other faces in front of MC, yucks I really got turn off by this, there's also a scene where one of the uke s*cks the MC and the other uke's d*ck, eww. /spoiler]


And the characters/uke's, the characters was being described or introduce at first as a super handsome tall, strong guy, and then as the story progress by the author feminized them?!!! Like the author writes the uke's like those h**ny wh*r*s!!! they get so fcking girly in front of mc!!!

Anyways reading this is not worth it, MC is also a piece of sht, like he always narrates himself as a straight man, but then proceeded to reciprocates the uke's Intimate action towards him, and will also flirts at them sometimes!! <<less
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