When Your Secret Crush Wizard Took a Love Potion


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Chloe, the disciple of a great wizard, finds herself in utter shock upon waking up one morning.

Her long-time housemate and mentor, Edgar Blayden, has accidentally taken a love potion and fallen into a love fever.

And it turns out the object of that love is none other than Chloe herself!

“Why, why are you like this? What’s happened to you?”
“That’s right. I’m crazy about you, Chloe.”
“That’s nuts.”

Edgar, overwhelmed by love, starts making relentless advances. Unlike before.

The problem is that Chloe has secretly loved this indifferent yet caring man for a very long time.

“I love you, Chloe.”

But his tender voice is only influenced by the potion, not a reflection of his true feelings. She realizes she must seek help before it’s irreversible.

“I need to seek out the master of the Mistwood Forest. Someone with magical abilities equal to Edgar’s might be able to remedy this situation.”

Ultimately, the two set off on a long journey together.

“It might be a unique choice for a honeymoon, but as long as I’m with you, Chloe, any place is fine.”

“Would you please shut up?”

Will Chloe be able to restore him back to normal?

Associated Names
One entry per line
러브 드러그(Love Drug)
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Latest Release

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AereaSilver45 rated it
July 10, 2024
Status: c21
The love potions really hit this guy hard.

Edgar, our ML, is a shameless lecher, apparently due to a dubious love potion made by Chloe, our FL, Edgar had completely lost his marbles.

Some scenes were hilarious, others were shameless.
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