When the Yakuza Falls in Love


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Dreaming of a great gay life, Minjoon came to study in Japan. After being swindled by his ex-lover of six months, Minjoon was ready to end his life but was suddenly surrounded by a group of black Benz cars. Toma, a small boy comes out of a car, running into Minjoon’s embrace whilst calling him “Mama!”

Due to Toma’s reluctance, Minjoon is dragged to the yakuza’s den where he meets the heartless and fatal Daiki, and thinks it’s better to just be killed after seeing Daiki’s gaze but……

This is a thrilling love story of the cold-blooded, and sexy yakuza boss, Daiki Jo, and Minjoon who was chosen to be “Mama” by Daiki’s son, Toma!

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Liu rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: c10
I don’t know if this will change in future chapters but this story feels very one dimensional, like it has all the stereotypes of overbearing gong and weak shou, but the story itself is not that interesting. The shou just decides it’s ok to be forced to live with a mob boss he just met and adopt the role of the child’s mother. It feels very one dimensional and forced, there’s no reasoning or background to the characters. Why even give the side characters names if they are not developed... more>> at all?

I don’t know if this will change in the future, but right now this story is very unassuming and boring. Even the romances that has developed so far is just the gong taking out his frustrations on the shou (could be classed as assault) but the shou is fine with it bc he’s handsome. <<less
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