When That Door Opens


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When That Door Opens, You by  Kim Roah

Yvonne, who runs a small clothing store by herself, meets a beautiful man named Jerome who walks into her store on a rainy day.

Mesmerized, she falls in love with him and continues to meet this mysterious man who only comes at night.

However, Jerome’s true identity and the secrets he has been hiding

are gradually revealed. Despite being tormented by the truth, Yvonne waits every night for Jerome to come through that door.

The Devil Who Loved a Witch by Mayak Jelly

Astel, a child of God.

That’s what people called her.

Everyone believed she was a being more noble than the king, but in truth, her life was one deprived of freedom, future, and will.

Then one day, her life took an unexpected turn when she impulsively saved the lowest s*ave, Lakian.

Her encounter with Lakian— was it a door to misfortune or a path to salvation?

* * * 

“It’s been a while, noonim.”

He wiped the blood off his cheek with a gentle smile. I looked at the ruined prayer hall with dismay. 

Corpses were strewn where prayers to God should have echoed. My ceremonial robe, once a symbol of sanctity, was now stained with their blood.

“You wish to escape from me, don’t you?”

He lifted my chin and without asking for permission, kissed me. 

I accepted his kiss without daring to resist. 

“Give up, noonim. From now on, I won’t let you go, not even for a single moment.”

When You Close, I Open by Lee In Hye

Julieta, an erot*c novel writer who meets failure with every book she writes, and Verne, a star writer whose every book is a hit.

By chance, Julieta meets the star writer Verne at the publishing house and asks for a favor that could change her life.

“Please, teach me how to write an erot*c novel properly.”

Verne insisted that to write an erot*c novel, one must experience it firsthand.

Their accidental meeting deepened with time.

Eventually, they opened that door.

* * *

Verne stood tall, proudly exposing his body.

When she turned her head, embarrassed to see his naked body, Verne firmly grasped her chin.

“Remember well. There is only one lesson.”

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