When I Was Reincarnated to Live Freely, I Became the Fourth Great Sage in History!? “Goddess, It Seems That Magic Is Cheating in This Day and Age”


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This is the story of an unfortunate heroine, a grown woman scarred by trauma from past relationships, who is reincarnated into another world by a goddess. There, she finds new companions, learns to laugh, and lives freely.

“This world is so entertaining I haven’t peeked into the other one for a while. The last time I looked, the magic user level was… Okay, I’ll give you enough power to become a court mage as an apology! I’ll also throw in a set of classic tropes, like in those popular light novels, just in case. And instead of starting from infancy, let’s rewind you to a fully grown adult… Oh, I’ll also input basic magic knowledge into your mind. Alright, enjoy the other world!”

Through a string of unfortunate coincidences, I ended up dead, and now I’m getting reincarnated in a world under the management of that goddess who was half responsible for my death. So here I am, flung into another world, literally tossed into what could only be described as a vast, empty plain.

A plain… Well, I wouldn’t call my proud E-cup a plain, but it’s sadly shriveled up here! Just how old are adults in this world, anyway…? Somehow, I managed to find people, reach a town, and learn the basics of this world. And when I did, I couldn’t help but grimace.

Hmm, I see. Magic has declined since the Magic Era ended a hundred years ago, and now only long-lived species can use it. The last time the goddess peeked in… Don’t tell me…

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