When I Was Reincarnated, I Became the 【Dark Destruction Dragon, Genocide Dragon】 I Just Want to Live Moderately, So I’m Casually Being an Adventurer


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A former corporate s*ave reincarnated into another world as the most terrifying and evil dragon.

For a while, he rampaged against monsters, spreading fear and chaos, but such a life started to feel embarrassing.

“After all, living moderately as a human is the way to go.”

With determination, he reconstructed his cells and became the “kind-hearted multi-weapon adventurer, Jade.”

Though he possesses high combat abilities and modern knowledge, he doesn’t really utilize them much.

He’s tired of being forced to work hard due to his past life experiences.

This is the story of a weary-hearted man (dragon) who, while assisting various individuals, indulges in a slow life of hunting and crafting weapons from monster materials.

Associated Names
One entry per line
転生したら【 暗 黒 破 壊 龍 ジ ェ ノ サ イ ド ・ ド ラ ゴ ン 】だった件 ~ほどほどに暮らしたいので、気ままに冒険者やってます~
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1 Review

May 27, 2024
Status: c20
20 chapters is enough for a first impression, I think, so here goes!

Translation Quality

Well translated - sentences flow smoothly with proper grammar and I don't feel like word choices are awkward. Not sure if Chick-kun is a deliberate pun (Chicken) or if it just turned out that way, but it matches the vibe of the novel.

... more>> Translator's website (at least for me) is difficult to use due to a large amount of aggressive redirecting adverts, so an adblocker has proven necessary to view anything.

Novel Tone & Pacing

This is a slice-of-life, and a light read - there is nothing super intellectual here. Jokes are easy to understand, and certain ones repeat for comedic emphasis, but at 20 chapters they have yet to be overused or become stale.

I like that we've skipped the typical slog of an origin story, and instead we are dropped right into Jade's adventurer life. Chapters so far are episodic with little in the way of cliffhangers or dragging things out. This is a quickly paced slice of life!

The overall tone of the comedy is a mix between light and mature themes - the world can be a dark one, and there are oblique references to adult characters having weird hobbies, but things stay on a fairly light tone because Jade is secretly a dragon and very little threatens him.

Spoiling some of those weird hobbies because some people might get squicked:


Lua is a shameless pe*vert, but also oblivious and weirdly pure outside of that? A hard worker who cares about his friends... In a committed relationship to a s*x doll that he apparently once tried to stuff with a living goblin to make it move... Whether he succeeded or not is ambiguous???

Shirokusa is a friend of both Lua and Jade who is afraid of women, even freezing when reading a letter, nevermind face-to-face conversation. On his thirtieth birthday Lua cross-dressed to try and cheer him up and it awakened some cross-dressing pregnancy fetishes. Who gets pregnant in this scenario is unclear.


Neither of these elements are main focuses of the story, but they are mentioned here and there so if they are abhorrent to you, you may not enjoy the novel. This is where the Adult tag is being earned so far.

World Building

I would call the style of world building, "relaxed". There's no huge prologue of exposition or big info-dumping moments of how the world works. Our pov character knows how things work - he's lived here for several years - and will only dwell on why things are such a way when he encounters them. As a veteran adventurer, he is often slated to train or give direction to rookies, so we learn more about the profession from what he teaches than simply being told.

Good use of, "show, don't tell, " from the author.

Of course, some exposition is unavoidable, but I've enjoyed the way it's been slowly introduced and built upon chapter by chapter instead of all at once. <<less
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