When I Reincarnated, I was One of the Villainess’ Followers. . .But I Decided to Live My Life Freely.


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When I reincarnated into the world of “Flower of Eden”, a Yuri Game. I was one of the villainess girl’s posse members. But the bad ending wasn’t a big deal, so I decided to live my life the way I wanted to.

A Young girl with Scornful eyes ”It’s the bad girl, so peeking at the panties is. . .fine, right?”
The Yuri Game Protagonist “Hahaahaa. . .Look at me! Let’s go back to the dormitory and flirt~”
The Villainous Girl “That’s wrong! Isn’t that wrong?!”

The girl who was supposed to be the villain, actually turned out to be a hard working nice girl- – -.

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2 Reviews

Feb 21, 2021
Status: c14
i have read many novel with yuri stuff. But this is first time I read pure Yuri romance.

This story has no time progression. (from start to end, thinks mostly stay where they are). So only think it has is interaction and drama between characters.... but

Is s*xual predators supposed to be attractive and make you have a boner?

Why everybody like that ret*rd spinless MC?
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 28, 2023
Status: Completed
In my opinion the story is good for what its made for nothing to heavy or sad. Theres not much reason to hate or discredit the novel either if you want a heavier story go read something else. (Story isn’t even that bad)

Fluff 10/10
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