When I Reincarnated I Was a Soldier?! ~A Man Called the Red Shinigami~


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A soldier from a different world with a Japanese memory. Being beaten by an orc club, he regains his memory of his previous life and survives the world of war despite the confusion.

Leverage your lack of presence. Let’s shake off the unfavorable things of the previous life and this world.

From the third son of the Baron family to a senior aristocrat. Light territory management and special pets. The protagonist is not the strongest.

Magic exists, but the protagonist cannot use it. It is a world where God exists. There is also gore. -Matteus-

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tensei Shitara Heishi Datta? Akai Shinigami to Yobareta Otoko
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    7 Reviews

    Oct 05, 2020
    Status: c17
    I gave this a 3 star for now coz it's just started. I think it's off to a good start. It's still too early to judge whether this is good or not but so far I am liking it.

    The MC is quite logical but not emotionless which I like and there are some funny light hearted scenes here and there to blend out the fighting and war stuff.

    I think people should give this a chance and see where this goes :D
    5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
    Jun 20, 2022
    Status: c111
    This story is rushed but is a decent read to waste some time. Each chapter can be finished in less than 5 minutes and feels more like an outline on how the author wants the story to happen than a proper story honestly. Although it portrays itself to be involved in politics and war, it feels similar to a slice of life isekai.

    MC started off edgy ... more>>

    and slowly becomes a character where anything he does he will succeed in. There's no stakes as far as I've read since everything always ends with him winning.


    Translation is decent. Can't say it's amazing though. UI for the site needs some polishing since at this time of review, the next chapter button wasn't working when I was at ch 65 even though there were 100+ chapters available. <<less
    4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
    Jul 23, 2022
    Status: --
    I first read the manga and I don't really know if it's just THAT bad or it's the translators fault, but that was really painful to read, it's like a 5 yo telling a story, it's really really bad, I wanted to know the story but that narrative was extremely frustrating, just a bunch of words and almost no meaning behind them, the art is also pretty bad, it's not professional at all, even for manga standards.

    So I wanted to know if the novel was that bad or the manga... more>> just makes it justice.

    Well the novel is actually not bad, it's not amazing either, still suffers from a lot of amateurish problems but has good potential.

    If you read the manga first, this is miles ahead in quality, but if you read the novel and wants to see the manga, do yourself a favor and don't.

    Or just go at it expecting to have a laugh at how bad it is, it's really that bad... <<less
    3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
    May 15, 2022
    Status: c59
    This one isn't my thing.

    Writer seems to relish in coming up with extreme torture and mu*der.

    It would be one thing if the protagonist was just crazy, but they try to justify it by suggesting the protagonist suffered extreme torture, or by having outsiders remark positively for how ruthless and just the protagonist is.
    3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
    Oct 02, 2022
    Status: c159
    Came from the manga, started novel at ch1 and all I could say is that if the manga is 0 then the novel is barely 1.

    I give this a 2 though as the writing is obviously amateurish so we can't crap on newbie authors.

    That said this being a webnovel version made me expect some development in writing over the course of time. Unfortunately the author either wrote this continously or never even tried to improve his own skills.

    Review of writing style, 1 star, there are too much unexplained dialog between... more>> multiple characters. Worst of is that dialogs occur at moments of action or suspense. The worst parts are during battles or torture sequences. All we get is phrases from the character who could speak and a bunch of argh, pfft, ahhhh! from the guy who's getting tortured or beaten. You don't know whats happening only that a character is beating down another character. What and how is unexplained only that the sight is so gruesome that for some reason the best way the author could explain it is some random side characters pissing themselves.

    Character development... 0, everyone is so basic and author did not even try to expound on characters that much. With a writing style that seems more like a synosis in 1st person, getting attached to characters or knowing the enough to care becomes a drag.

    Scenes, I thought the manga was bad but the novel was worse. The manga at least had images so picturing events could be done but with the authors style of writing, you would need to try your best to actually visualize what the hell is going on.

    Story, basic and plain, there is no overusage of clichés but there is still this lack of proper structure. Again instead of reading a story its more like reading a first person report on what happened, minus the useless dialog that was not properly done.

    Overall it's obviously the work of an amateur. But what made me dislike this is the fact that no improvements occur in 100 chapters. I've read tons of amateur webnovels and those pieces had a noticeable increase in quality overtime. Either this author ignored the comments and suggestions that could improve his own writing due to pride or he wrote this in one sitting hoping to make a hit.

    If you want to read this... Just don't expect much, even as a time waster it gave me more annoyance and brain damage than I could tolerate. <<less
    2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
    Dec 20, 2022
    Status: c150
    Very quick read and feels extremely amateur. Written like a stream of consciousness. Story was a little interesting if you like military works in a war or rebellion with an isekai flair. Although there are alot of novels that are far superior to this in that regard (Saga of Tanya the Evil, What Do You Wish For With Those Muddy Eyes, The Girl Who Ate a Death God.)
    0 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
    Mar 25, 2022
    Status: --
    Came here from the manga and so far it's off to a good start. I'm rating it 3 stars for now.

    Hopefully it develops well in the future.

    I like that the MC isn't completely an emotionless bastard but is logical and not a typical Jp protagonist.

    I do wish someone picks up the translation cause the main wn is completed. (Of course I'll be reading using MTL for now)
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