What’s Wrong With Interfering With My Childhood Friend’s Love?


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Riku Kaidou was in love with his childhood friend, Suisei Chitose, but no matter how many times he confessed his feelings, he was always rejected.

The reason was simple… Suisei had feelings for their mutual childhood friend, Akito Amitsu.

Akito was just like the main protagonist — handsome and charming. 

There was no way Riku could ever compete with him.

However, Riku held onto the hope that if Akito started dating another girl, he might finally have his chance with Suisei.

“What’s wrong with interfering with my childhood friend’s love? That’s how much I love Suisei!”

Driven by such impulses, Riku’s parents unexpectedly sent his cousin, Miumi Aihara.

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幼馴染の恋を邪魔して何が悪い ~陽キャイケメンの幼馴染だった俺、実は陰で美少女達に好かれていた件~
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