What Kind of Character Did the Devs Give Me Anyway?


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I am an R card in a card collection game.

This game takes place in a Western fantasy setting with three factions to choose from: the Church of Light, the Church of Darkness, and the Free Alliance. Of course, to ensure everyone occasionally bands together in harmony, there’s a common enemy called “Monsters”—just like every game with a traditional setup. As the “Chosen One” the player starts off by waking up with amnesia on the outskirts of a town, where a kind-hearted Holy Knight finds them while out on a mission, triggering the first beginner’s quest.

Yes, I am that kind-hearted Holy Knight.

To be precise, I am the game’s beginner guide. My sole purpose is to help players pick a username and activate the battle panel.

… At least, that’s how it was supposed to be.

However, on the first day of the server launch, something unexpected happened. Due to a slip of the programmer’s hand, I accidentally upgraded from an R card to an SSR card. By the time the developers realized, the news about starting the game with a free SSR card had already spread. At this point, telling the players it was just a bug…

“We’d definitely get killed.” sighed the developer as they patted me on the shoulder. “We held an emergency meeting and decided to just roll with it. So—congratulations, you’re now the [SSR Holy Knight Captain] !”

Me: “…”

And just like that, I was forced to become a real SSR card.

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