We Are The Chosen Ones


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When I woke up, I realized the world I was living in was actually a novel. In the book, the fragile Omega is the fated mate of the domineering Alpha. After an accidental night together, they begin a sticky, inescapable cat-and-mouse love story. As for me… I’m neither the domineering CEO nor the delicate little O who leaves the Alpha unable to resist. I’m the long-suffering doctor friend who’s woken up in the middle of the night to treat little O’s injuries while complaining about the Alpha’s lack of restraint.

After hearing that the Alpha unexpectedly brought home a fragile little O, I was excited to sit back and enjoy the drama. But instead of enjoying the drama, I ended up being pinned down by the Alpha in his susceptible period.

Me: ‘???’

Me: *Cursing* You’ve got the wrong person!!!

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Shlhtwwmhl rated it
October 15, 2024
Status: Completed
Only read this novel if you can handle the MC being an absolute dense brick 90% of the time, but then in the last chapter or so the main couple end up together? Idk when the MC fell, maybe he already did earlier but just wouldn't admit it? Or maybe I just missed it because I was too tired? Either way I thought it was extremely unnatural, plus I'm not a fan of the writing style either. I'm only giving this 2 stars because it's not as bad as the... more>> other 1 star things I've read. <<less
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