Warm Wedding, CEO Loves Me


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The devil would love you only in his own way: “Remember, don’t look at me, don’t hold me, and don’t kiss me! Turn your face away, as long as you lie down obediently and quietly! ” Just lie down obediently? What did he take her for? An inflatable wife?

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SammieUy rated it
October 31, 2019
Status: c402
I started reading the manga version of this and just wanted to know if there was any redemption from our horrendous male lead. So far nothing. The story is so repetitive. The male lead had absolutely no redeeming qualities about him. All he does is lie to, hurt, belittle and mock the female lead. Worst of all, the female lead just takes it all. She makes noises about leaving and rejecting his advances but it never happens. She really seems to be a legitimate s*upid, foolish masochist which is what... more>> you would have to be to read this story. I would definitely not recommend it. <<less
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