Warhammer: The Worst Start There Is (40k)


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Have you ever thought, about what would happen if that, Instead of Roboute Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarine, that are awakened up from his slumber in the world of 40K, it’s instead, a rather normal human from the mundane world.

And now, instead of the superhuman Primarch with millenia years of experience living in this hellish world, with the bravery benefiting of a Demi God, with mind and will greater than any steel, it’s just a random dude.

A random dude who need to face the Tyranids, the mu*der loving Ork, the Eldar, the Necrons Dynasty who are waking up from their sleep, and the destruction loving Chaos Gods and the Chaos Primarch.

After reading that, let me ask you this, Is there any start worst than this?

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