Waiting for a Sunny Day


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Xiao Qing makes a solemn vow in front of her good friends. If she gets married, it will not be with some hot stock with momentum just to rise rapidly. Rising so quickly will certainly not last long.
Neither will she marry an unpopular stock that has been falling. If you wait until all hair on your head had become white but still you have not risen, you will find that you have no qualms to jump from the top of a building.

Better to wait to find a potential stock with good and bright future prospects. However, it is very difficult to find a potential stock, so Xiao Qing has no qualms about wandering the world, marriage completely out of mind.

One day, she meets a potential stock who suddenly says he wants to marry her.

Xiao Qing says that marriage is just like dying. “I am still too young, I do not want to sleep in a tomb this early.”

The potential stock says, “A person ultimately has to die once. Early demise, early reincarnation.”

In short, this is an out of line woman meeting a belly black (fu hei) male, an inevitable clash between opposing factions and an accident arising from many causes… first comes marriage then the love story.

Associated Names
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Series that I prioritize translating :)
  2. CN Romance (F-M pairing)

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3 Reviews sorted by

NadiaClover rated it
January 27, 2023
Status: Completed
Okay, if you want romantic comedy, you should read this. I laugh in almost every chapter 😂😂😂😂 well when you lie, it really can become a big snowball 😂😂😂😂

Unfortunately, I really dissatisfied with the ending. Sure the ending is HE, but it's like conclusion after problem. I really want to know what will happened to them. So yeah, I gave rating 4/5. If only there are the continue of the ending, or atleast fanwai, I will give it 5
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Purple Lotus
Purple Lotus rated it
May 3, 2021
Status: c21
Not really fond of this sort of long-winded misunderstanding...

The novel was funny but sometimes they act so... s*upid... I don't really want to read anymore... I mean it is comedy but I did expect some parts to be a bit more serious...

I dropped it for now but it's not a really bad novel. You can give it a try and it may be your type.


It's sort of a half-bad executed cliche... rather funny at times... but eh it doesn't really have so much appeal to me.

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PaigeTheParrot rated it
November 6, 2020
Status: Completed
I'm surprised that this novel doesn't have any reviews yet. The story is worthy of being a published novel, it has a good flow and no loopholes. The description is slightly true but it makes the story look dull than it is. If I had to say in my words- This is a story about a young woman who tries every possible way to avoid marriage but still ends up marrying early due to a series of misunderstandings. It doesn't have the bling-bling love from the other modern chinese romance... more>> novel, but has a subtle and gradual love between the leads and is more on the realistic side.

I won't compare any writers- but if you are a fan of Ding Mo's and Chestnut's works, you'll probably like this novel. <<less
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