Villainess, Strike Back Against the Rebellion


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A villainess who has returned, dreaming of revenge.

The only heir to the Kingdom of Lenirune, Prince Villish Numa.

Asterope Lunette, who was ‘almost’ his fiancée, ends up in an arranged marriage as if she were a gift to the Grand Duke of the North.

Thus began Asterope’s life as a villainess.

She seduced her husband, Kallieon Onyx, who threatened the heir’s position, and incited him to rebel. On the night the rebellion succeeded, she poisoned him.

However, what awaited her was the massacre of her family and her own execution by fire.

In a life magically given to her once more, she decides to strike back against the rebellion dreamed of by her hypocritical former lover.

This time, with the Grand Duke of the North,

The one she had killed herself,

Known as the ‘God of War.’

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악녀여, 반역을 반격하라
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