Vamp-chan to Zombie-kun – Kyuuketsuki wa Koi Shitai


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A lonely vampire princess and an undead zombie without a heart—Not your everyday Boy Meets Girl!

Rumia Selviason is a vampire. This has blessed her with near immortality, inhuman strength, and eternal beauty. However, it’s not all candy and rainbows for the 400-year-old girl. She can make anybody who meets her gaze her immediate servant—with what she calls her Charm. But that is also why she wants to experience a genuine relationship with someone. After receiving a copy of a shojo manga, the avid book-lover travels to Japan to quench her thirst for more. However, not long after she slowly settles in, she encounters an odd individual—a zombie carrying a severed head in a plastic bag?!

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Vamp-chan and Zombie-kun - The Vampire Princess Wants To Fall in Love
ヴぁんぷちゃんとゾンビくん 吸血姫は恋したい
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