[Urgent Request] How to Take Care of an Abandoned Dragon?


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Tetsu finds an abandoned animal in a plastic bag on the side of the road. Expecting to find a kitten, he instead discovers what he believes to be a lizard, only to discover that his “lizard” is, in fact, a highly rare breed of dragon. Owning a dragon is a status symbol for the ultra-rich, and Tetsu’s family is poor, so his new pet earns him a lot of unwanted attention, romantic advances, and envy from his peers.

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Kyuubo: Suterareteta Dragon Hirotta, Kaikata
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MyRAMEN rated it
February 13, 2023
Status: c4
It was an okay casual read. However, the reason for me dropping this is not due to the quality but due to my taste in stories as I prefer stuff with more action, and things not focused on slice of life / romance. However it is also questionable whether you should rlgive this a try as it has been dropped for months, with a new chapter not coming out. The story is about slice of life on a person raising a dragon as a pet in a modern setting.
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