Urban Legend Demolition Office


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【Hello, welcome to the Demolition Office family. Below is our ninth edition of the internal employee code of conduct. For your personal safety, please make sure to carefully read and memorize it.】

【1. As a member of the Demolition Office, when you enter a new urban legend area, you have the ability and duty to adjust and optimize the rules of the urban legend area to a certain extent. Please believe this point.】

【2. Please remember, all current urban legend areas must operate under the control of the Demolition Office. The established area must be reported and registered, and all rules must be open and visible. There must be a clear and feasible escape route. The only purpose of construction must be to provide emotional experiences. Violators may be ordered to renovate or be directly demolished.】

【3. All unregistered urban legend areas are considered unauthorized constructions. After a period of investigation and experience, they may be ordered to renovate or be directly demolished.】


【15. The Urban Legend Demolition Office exists, is well-known, and has strong credibility and deterrence. Please believe this point.】

【16. If you find that the residents of the urban legend area start to lack the proper [respect] for you, please repeatedly reread Article No. 15 until [they] correct their attitude again.】

【Finally, and most importantly.】

【… Never let [them] discover that there is no such thing as the Urban Legend Demolition Office in this world.】

【Xu Ming, Director and First Founder of the Urban Legend Demolition Office】

Associated Names
One entry per line
The First Strange Demolition Office
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  5. horror [fmc]

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lil_ya rated it
August 17, 2024
Status: c75
4.5 due to personal enjoyment and preferences (comedy misunderstood protagonist trope with mystery and supernatural as the main + romantic subplot). basically, this story is about a joke company which everyone misunderstood as a real hidden powerhouse.

It have a very slow start. 'Urban Legend Demolition Office' was originally a madeup company name by MC, but after entering 'urban legend area' one after another (like dungeons), where she introduced herself as someone from the 'Urban Legend Demolition Office' to sound trustworthy, the lie spiraled out of control and everyone started to believe this company as an actual powerhouse hidden within the industry that they didn't know (well ofc, it literally didn't exist 💀).


I like this because it's a misunderstanding story, I mean it was literally my preference as this is the third horror comedy misunderstanding series that I picked up (the others being My Possession Became a Ghost Story and The Artist Who Paints Dungeons).


I love how the ghosts MC pick up also regarded MC as their director even though there was no company 💀 one even told MC 'do you have any requirement for future employees' and keep bringing back more ghosts employees for MC 💀

I personally quite enjoyed the slow build-up, but it might be too slow for some. Also, this is a bit like kingdom-building, no, more like company-building? Welp. surprisingly, the MC here isn't a cold emotionless and ruthless strong FL who have no fear. I love how MC tried her best to fix every situation in her own ways, not rationally but emotionally too. She didn't pick the quickest and easiest way (if she want to clear Guo Shuyi's urban legend area she could just kill her, the domain master, easily—but she didn't because she knew that poor girl just doesn't deserve it).

last scene in Guo Shuyi's arc when MC fix the rules forcefully to save all the girls waging her life on the line was probably my favorite scene until this chapter I read.


Hongqiang arc was good, I got baited because of this arc, though I really decided to pick this up because of the Butterfly Mansion arc, the plot twists there are great and immediately shot this story up to one of the best CN horror-adventure stories with a FL I've ever read, which is also why I pick it up.

Guo Shuyi's arc is different from the previous ones, instead of beating boss like the previous ones, this arc was way more emotional. I didn't cry, but I feel sad for all the victims involved, so I really love how MC handled her case, Guo Shuyi seems like a MC of her own tale and she deserved to be saved.

I'm at the beginning of arc 4 and I KNEW IT. THERE'S STH WRONG WITH HER MEMORY. The hunch I get when she said her aunt disappeared, I felt it. It feels weird for MC not to do anything about it.


romantic subplot is always good for spice, but until this chapter I'm reading, the romance is nonexistent. It was obvious who the ML is but he barely show up. Not complaining though, it was fun enough without romance.

anyway, if you like misunderstanding stories with engaging plot, this might be for you.
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Maisike rated it
September 2, 2024
Status: c182
As someone who read almost all extras and whole story in MTL, I can say it is definitely a fun ride. First arc is confusing, but later ones are really fun and foreshadowings can be seen even in the beginning. As other reviews have mentioned, it is a misunderstanding novel and quite good with it, so I'd rate it 4.5. Could been 5 stars, but I feel like it ended too early, maybe just my greed for wanting more from the author. Anyways, I'd recommend if you want something horror... more>> themed which isn't too serious.

As for the story, it starts out quite normal. We have our overworked MC intern, who wants to go home with her friend, when she suddenly discovers, that she can't leave her company anymore. Oh the horror, forever stuck at work. Work should be paid always, right? Well it seems that this scam company doesn't even respect this obvious rule! And hilariously enough, our MC logic actually works and after escaping that story, she retrieves the ghost story's root as compensation. Little spoiler, that's the start for her company aswell and first demolition she has done. Sadly, this isn't last of her being stuck in random stories when just trying to live her life. So follow along MC escapedees, scamming of spirits, company recruitments (for her nonexistent firm) and finally her relazation that most of her memories are fake, which begins the question, what is true and what is false in her mind. Okay enough of that. In summary, it's story about starting fake company, which turns real, sprinkled in some horrish hilarious moments and in the end, story about saving the world.

So if your someone who wants to read horror-comedy with high stakes and happy ending, then definelty, this novel is right one for you. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 28, 2024
Status: c17
The story is quite slow paced but as I'm really immersed in the story and all the ghost story, I don't feel it. I love that MC is a has common sense (?) but at the same times loves to find a loopholes in every rules in the ghost story.

Actually, I had read most of it but I can't find the extra so I don't know the 'real' ending of the novel but I love it! I enjoy reading it and I will wait patiently for the translation works.
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DaydreamGe rated it
December 1, 2024
Status: Completed
The story is complex with a lot of twist and a lot of secret.

Though I wonder why when I imagine things in the story, it doesn't makes me feel goosebumps. It is a horror story but doesn't feel scary, maybe the 'fool' trait that makes MC POV free of ghost even though everybody sees horror. Or maybe her strategy to solve the urban legend is too out of the box full of joke.

All in all, it is a nice story to read.
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