Unstoppable with the ‘Useless’ Skill Telekinesis (But It’s Max Level!) – Just Point My Hand! No Need for Chants or Special Moves. I Just Think, and They’re Done For!


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At the age of 10 everyone receives a skill. The eldest son of the Duke Kinesis, Elk, gets a skill called “Telekinesis” – a supposedly “useless” skill only good for pulling small objects toward him. Meanwhile, his younger brother, Rosho, gains the rare “Sword Saint” skill, and his sister, Sarissa, gets “Magic Saint”, leaving Elk feeling out of place in his own family.

One day, Elk is forced to duel Rosho to decide the family’s successor, but the duel is a setup by the Duke family to execute him. In a twist of fate, Elk is left at death’s door. His soul drifts to a strange place known as the “Realm Between Life and Death”, where a god’s whim gives him a second chance to train himself anew.

Elk spends two thousand years sharpening his Telekinesis to its limits. When he finally awakens back in the real world as a 16-year-old, he’s ready to dominate with his “useless” skill – now maxed out to its ultimate power!

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Hazure Sukiru Nendōryoku (Tadashi Level MAX) de Musou suru ~ Te o Kazasu Dake de Su. Eishou toka Hissatsu Waza toka Irimasen. Nenji ru Dake de Taoseru ~
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