UAAG Air Crash Investigation Team


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Four years ago, a mysterious air crash took away his comrades and family.

Today, China’s youngest air force major, Fu Cheng, has been specially recruited into the newly established multinational cooperative air crash investigation team UAAG (United Aviation Accident Group) to provide aircraft accident investigation consultation to countries around the world.

Words for help coming from the lost black box, the broken aircraft wreckage reflected the distance between life and death… and the truth of the crash four years ago.

The world’s top aircraft accident investigation experts gather here.

We break through the dense fog and seek the truth, just to soar into the sky and embrace freedom.

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    saphire8626 rated it
    March 27, 2022
    Status: Completed
    This is a contemporary novel where the two main characters are part of the United Aviation Accident Group, an investigation group that looks into airplane accidents. After reading four books by this same author, I've realized that her books tend to start out pretty slow, and the last 10-20% is when all the plot-twists are revealed, so yeah, I got a bit bored and skimmed most of the middle. This book also really tested my Chinese, because there were a lot of technical terms. Pretty interesting to read this because... more>> the setting was very cosmopolitan - one case was set in US, one in Helsinki... the characters were of different nationalities, and there were occasional English words dropped in.

    The main character, Fu Cheng, is one of the puzzles in the novel. His behavior doesn't make a lot of sense and he hides emotions even from himself. I honestly mostly kept reading because I was very interested in finding out what was going on with him. I was more interested in him than I was in the story, oops.

    I didn't really like the writing style. This was written in 2020 and I assumed the author would have had the experience of the past few books under her belt but... 1) there was a lot of 'the raven-haired man said/did' type of phrases, 2) some parts of the plot, the characterization, the writing style etc., felt gratuitous, 3) the middle section was, IMO, really slow. <<less
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