Twin Jades of Jiangdong


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From the boundless expanses of Lake Chao to where it meets the army of the Chi Bi.

From the childhood promise sealed with a knot of hair to the 40-year old lingering dream of home in Jiangdong.

From a singular kite hovering in the sky, to the sound of the qin echoing over a hundred li, across the river lit by the scorching sunset…

East flows the mighty river, sweeping away the heroes of time past…

I dream of Gongjin in his day, with his new bride, the Lord Qiao’s younger daughter, dashing and debonair.

Ah, this life is a dream, let me drink to the moon floating in the river…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Giang Đông Song Bích
Jiangdong Shuangbi
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3 Reviews

Jul 26, 2022
Status: Completed
Warning tags: BE, NP

Twin Jades is a historical fiction set in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms era with a focus on Zhou Yu and Sun Ce. Zhou Yu is the MC, and the story follows him and Sun Ce's relationship as bickering childhood friends until adulthood, and later as ruler and subordinate.

Although Feitian is well-known in his older works for writing explicit smut, Twin Jades is one of those exceptions. There is no smut or even a fade-to-black ppp scene. The entire focus of this novel is on the... more>> nature of their relationship, how it developed, and the deepening of their bond into something beyond friendship. Although Zhou Yu and Sun Ce become physically close in the process as well, they never cross that threshold into a s*xual relationship even though there are hints of interest on both sides.

The gradual breakdown of their relationship from equals who challenge each other begins to take place once the burdens and responsibilities that come with being ruler and subject threaten their bond. The portrayal of this breakdown was emotionally harrowing for me. It clearly showed how two people who love each other so much could hurt each other, and would only come close to almost acknowledging this love only imminently before death.

I won't actually give this novel a rating, because I find it very difficult to rate objectively. It is worth reading if you are emotionally brave enough and would like to read this kind of relationship in a historical setting. <<less
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Jul 09, 2021
Status: c7
In short: I'm enjoying it so far, and would recommend it to anyone who's interested!

I don't often write reviews, which is to say that I don't write reviews at all: in fact, this will be the first one I've ever written, so firstly take that as a measure of my thoughts on the novel, and secondly take it as a measure with which to evaluate my thoughts by.

At the time of writing this, I'm only seven chapters in, but for a novel with thirty-seven chapters and three extras, that can't... more>> be considered too badly off. Thus far, the writing comes through well in translation, leaving the reader able to easily follow along, but at the same time, the lyrical quality of the writing isn't compromised by the loss of the original language, and there's a pleasant quality to the novel.

The plot itself is charming and well thought-out, neither unnecessarily dragging out or meandering — although it's certainly not a novel that's lacking in plot events, I would venture to say that rather than being a novel that centers around agriculture, religion, philosophy, history, or politics, this is a novel that centers around how characters operate around these aspects of life and how these things reflect on them and their development.

The romantic relationship in the novel is neither a focus nor a tiny side-plot. It's certainly present enough to warrant being branded as a romance novel, but the MC and ML don't spend every word thinking about each other, dreaming about each other's face, and casting other characters to the wayside. Their care for each other is very apparent, but it's less in-your-face than some tooth-rotting fluff novels where the authors forcibly feed you dog food; if this is not to your tastes, I wouldn't recommend reading this novel.

But for me, I found the MC and ML to be likeable characters, charming to the fullest — reminiscent of those within Golden Stage. Both have a strong sense of righteousness, are capable without being overly OP, conduct themselves well (most of the time — our ML tends to have a sense of mischief, and their childhood antics in the beginning are certainly the opposite of "refined"), and are intelligent without having a sense of genius that begs the suspension of disbelief. They communicate well, talk to each other well, and rely on and trust each other well.

If I had any criticisms of this novel, I would say that the length of the novel leaves very little time to linger: although the plot is refreshing and fast-paced without being overwhelming, I wish there was more time to appreciate character beats and let things linger a while longer, letting us have more information about the characters and forge stronger bonds with them. What type of person the MC was when he was a child outside of that one incident, how ML and him treated each other in the years they grew up — those are the things I want to know. But again, I'm only seven chapters in, so perhaps we'll get that at a later time...?

Overall, this novel is one that I'll be keeping an eye on, and one I'm quite excited to see develop as time goes on. Despite me only being a few chapters in, the main characters of the story are some of those that I've liked the most through my experience with danmei, and those looking for a mature story about brotherhood, what lies beyond brotherhood, and enemies you face with said (not) brother should check it out, if only to give your head a break from the sheer plethora of fun but exhausting face-slapping novels out there. <<less
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Aug 31, 2024
Status: --
basically this is a fan fiction of romance of the three kingdoms which is also an rpf of the three kingdoms sets in late 100AD to early 200AD. if you're familiar with the history of the three kingdoms, some of the plot lines will seem awkward and confusing due to ftyx characterisation of real life figures being maybe ooc. however if you have never read romance of three kingdoms or have barely any knowledge about the history of the three kingdoms but have a like dense geopolitical themes and war,... more>> this will be your cup of tea. however this story barely toes the line of being a danmei. the gay romance? it's much more covert. it's never explicitly mentioned... only implied but anyone with decent comprehension ability can see that there was so much... homoromanticism between the MC x ML as well as some fondling (black out scene) here and there

(it's not homo if you both each plan to married to twin sisters right before u do some gay fondling right?)


their relationship was honestly a kind of frustrating and refreshing read. they both immensely cared for and loved each other (childhood best friends). however due to the circumstances of MC (zhou yu) swearing servitude to ML (sun ce), it really affected the dynamics of the relationship. they wanted to maintain the relative balance that come with being friends akin to soulmates while also exerting the conventions of a lord/servant relationship... and it brought so much contention.

it's heartbreaking to see them try to grasp onto the halcyon days of their frivolous youth while dealing with war, sun ce as a leading general and zhou yu as his strategist/advisor.

you get a glimpse of the homoromanticism in zhou yu reactions. he gives off closeted gay in love with his best friend and the whole audience knows.

the plot... is convoluted at first because it is going on the basis that you already know who the characters are... the way a fanfic author doesn't break down canon info because they already expect that when ur clicking on the fic, you already have an inherent understanding of the characters and settings.

i did my research (opened wikipedia) and got the gist of the timeline and it was well from there. however this is the first novel i've read set in such an early period and there were so many places... lots of places... I suggest u take a good look at the map linked by the translator.

anyway this isn't my first nor favourite ftxy novel. and I think this imo is an inspo for joyful reunion... which has the same geopolitical themes, lord/servant dynamic but more gay. like an*l s*x and everything in ur face gay. if u want more romance and a more drawn out plot, check it out. okay i've written too much. <<less
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