[TS] White Nights


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She looks exactly like the girl I was working on as a test subject.

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Denima rated it
December 19, 2024
Status: c22
Surprisingly interesting. Stumbled upon this by chance, had a go because of boredom and was pleasantly surprised by the premise. Mind you, it's no masterpiece, but it's good enough of a read to pass time. As for the genre, I would say there's a horror aspect to it that might balance the cringe of the gender bender tag. If you're on the fence whether to ditch this or not because you're averse to the GB tag, I can say to give it a shot till chapter 10 or so. Without... more>> spoilers the only thing I can say is that the gender switch is plot relevant, has one reason on why it happened, and the whole ordeal is not pleasant for the person involved. BIG spoiler below on the events leading to ch10:


The main character has the impression that he made the final choice to accept the switch, but unbeknownst to him everyone at his work place, him included, is being influenced without realizing it. The whole thing was plotted from the beginning, the proposal, the events leading to him and the lab subject living together, nothing happened by chance. And the MC is trying to waddle against the current, and failing miserably.


As for the translation, the recent chapters (15-22) had a dip in the translation quality. To be more precise there are issues with keeping pronouns consistent or correct (i, we, you are used incorrectly or intercheangably). Doesn't make it unreadable or incomprehensible but it breaks the flow. <<less
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James Baily
James Baily rated it
December 13, 2024
Status: c13 part3
Very strange. This book puts the weird in GB. Like... so weird. The kind of weird that makes you question the sanity of everyone involved. Then you realize that it makes sense with what's happening in the story.

... more>>

I can't help but feel the main character deserves everything that is currently happening to them. Being a part of an evil organization doing human experimentation kind of removes any sense of sympathy I would feel towards you. If anything, you basically got off scott free by getting a whole new body with a personality makeover... at least for now.

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