[TS] The End of Magical Girls Has Come


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A magical girl who uses hope as her strength.

She became a monster girl who took advantage of the despair of those magical girls.

But somehow, everyone knows me.

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[TS] 마법소녀의 종언이 되었다
마법소녀의 종언이 되었다
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New RKADE 14 rated it
February 17, 2025
Status: c31
Before I talk about the TL, I'm going to say the story itself isn't bad, I actually like it, I love watching my MC's in pain, some info is that ... more>>

the MC is the strongest monster, BUT they have some bad energy/despair effeciency, there are also two timelines, in the first one, Apocalypse (not the MC) destroys the world, in the second one (our MC), the MC has the Batman rule of no killing, not MC Apocalypse did just fine because all the killing more then made up for the despair ineffeciency, but with the no killing rule for our MC, little despair was made so she's effectively living off scraps and is eternally hungry, MC Apocalypse also befriends (?) magical girls, or, you know, tries to make them non-aggressive, but as they are her complete opposite, they hurt her with their hope, the magical girls have delicious despair though, so she does try to get some.


Now for the bad, oh boy the bad.

Really it's only two things, but I can't tell if it's the TL's fault.

The story is incomprehensable if you don't have automatic translation, it is all over the place, what doesn't help is that there are PoV switches, but you will never know when the switch happens and it won't tell you who.

And when I say it's bad, I mean, it's, BAD.

So, story is alright, TL, no. <<less
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New mostly_eldritch rated it
February 17, 2025
Status: c31
A very enjoyable story with a terrible translation. If I were to rate it, it would be a 4.5/5 story and a 2/5 translation, where pronouns are constantly mixed up and the reader has to exert noticeable effort to understand what's going on in each chapter (there's no indication of POV changes, and you have to rely on context to figure out who's speaking a particular line).

Despite that, I've found myself captivated by the main character and her adventure-- seeing how she'll navigate ... more>>

the regressed Magical Girls who see her as the ultimate enemy

, struggling with her humanity (or lack thereof), and fighting the corruption destroying humanity from within. Despite being a monster that feeds on despair, she takes a more rational approach ("milk the cow instead of devouring it"), and the story successfully pulls off the dance between a dark, serious story and a comedic misunderstanding one.

Fair warning, the misunderstandings can get a bit frustrating if you're taking the story seriously, so go into it as if you're reading a dark comedy/slice of life.

Honestly, I should have given it a 3 (to be blunt with the translation's score), but the story is good enough to keep me coming back daily, and to hope that the translation improves <<less
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Schircy rated it
January 20, 2025
Status: c15

In summary, this monster girl 'Apocalypse' is the last boss of certain novel, and now somehow the MC reincarnated to this last boss before the real story starts.

The interesting is she's not like your regular reincarnated troupe, she's fully play her character well like new born and disguise herself as to not killed or killing magical girls. Overtime maybe she would be corrupted because of her power.

This story will be comedic type because of her thoughts and actions. (Well, maybe just for starting Idk)

... more>>

For now, only one magical girl that have the nightmare from the future of the 'Apocaplyse' brutality.

Maybe there are others that have that nightmare, but I can't read further.

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