[TS] Malicious Sniper


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I, a vicious sniper, turned into a woman.

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[TS] 악질 저격러
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rcpsycho rated it
December 29, 2024
Status: c8
I'll keep reading and I am enjoying this to some extent, but especially considering that there were no prior reviews, I felt the need to make one.

If you haven't played League of Legends, a lot of this novel will be fairly meaningless. Entire chapters read like barely embellished match analyses, and actions in the game are often only referred to by their hotkeys. If you don't know what abilities the champions have on those hotkeys, you won't know what they're doing.

I have played enough to follow the plot overall, but... more>> as someone not following high level gameplay or even playing all champions once, there are passages that end up lacking detail for my understanding.

So far, the gender swap hasn't made much of a difference and it's about the high ranked protagonist stream sniping streamers by beating them or carrying their team with off-meta picks. "Malicious" might be exaggerating because it doesn't involve throwing games, watching the enemy stream during the game, or even targeting desired champions with bans.

It's difficult to get promoted if the streamers get unlucky and get matched into the opposite team, but otherwise it's just another form of content, and the viewers seem to enjoy it.

Again, this is an early review, so I can't say much about the plot and characters yet, but I thought this needed to be said for other potential readers who either have not played the game and won't be interested, or perhaps even some who will be interested because they play it.

Edit: I had my suspicions because of the low quality of the translation with names (especially champions) being wrong on a regular basis and occasionally some characters being the wrong gender, but it's another shameless AI translation that even has some AI replies copied along with the text. Proceed at your own risk. <<less
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