Trials of the Abyss


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In the Abyss, all beings are imprisoned, struggling bitterly to survive. One day, in the eternally dark lower world, a young boy has a chance encounter and catches a glimpse of the upper worlds. He is fortunate to witness wonders beyond even the most beautiful dreams. Realizing there are worlds beyond his own, he refuses to settle for mediocrity and vows to ascend to the top step by step.

This is the story of a brother’s quest to reunite with his little sister, who was forcefully taken from him. Along the way, he faces unimaginable trials, battling fierce creatures and encountering both allies and enemies. His journey is not just a mission to reunite with his sister, but also a test of his strength, courage, and resilience.

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Date Group Release
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08/09/24 Wuxiaworld c36
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