Trembling At A High Altitude


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After waking up, Li Teng appears high in the sky.

“Perched on top of a stone pillar that reaches into the clouds, how am I to get down?”

“How did I get up here?”


Unfortunately, not only would help not arrive, but this would also be the start of an endless nightmare!

Follow Li Teng’s nightmarish adventure as he tries to survive on a 1,000-meter stone pillar, with only a bed and his wits!

“Extreme weather phenomena? Bring it on!”

“My abductors want me to participate in gruesome films in which 1 in 8 people have to die? I shall emerge victorious!”

“Want me to die? Not so easy!”

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3 Reviews sorted by

MyRAMEN rated it
May 3, 2024
Status: c9
Interesting survivor novel take but compared to other ones such as the classic Spirit Bear, it pales in comparison. The fantasy elements also only bog down the survival story which is its essence.
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Sircus rated it
December 11, 2020
Status: c350
It´s an interesting mystery that´s presented to the reader, the more you know the deeper the mystery becomes. The story has some elements of the infinity genre but it doesn't feel like it´s the focus of the story. Read 20-30 chapters and you will know if it´s worth reading or not. If you liked the movie Inception then you will most likely love the story.
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Zeikfried rated it
July 26, 2022
Status: c23
Interesting so far, but for the translation...

It's great for a Chinese American who can't read Chinese like me. I've read and watched Eagle Shooting Hero and all the classic allusions they're making references to. But for the average non-Chinese reader? I imagine the amount of people who know about Western [Poison] and the Hamagong is about the same as Chinese people who knew about Green Lantern or the Infinity Gems before the 2010s.

You're not going to know what the heck they're alluding to.

And as always disregard the amount of chapters... more>> you see here on Novelupdate. There are 800 chapters available to read. <<less
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