Trapped by the Final Boss of a Horror Game


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The only goal for anyone trapped in a horror game is survival. And I was s**ked inside the horror game Dark Village: 100 Nights as a player character.

The NPCs that seem to be losing their mind little by little are of no help, and the story keeps diverging from what I remember, making my chances of survival even slimmer.

Then, a mysterious boy named Nini appeared.

‘But this guy—why does he keep clinging to me?’

“You’re so calm even in a situation like this, Sister. Aren’t you scared?”

“I am scared.”

Of you.

“Hang in there, Sister. I hope you make it to the end.”

【 ※ You can check Nini’s current thoughts. (-1 use) 】

‘After all, this body can’t die even if I want to.’

…Mister Nini, what’s your identity? Ha ha ha…

Please spare me.

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공포게임 속 최종보스에게 집착당한다
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