Too Many Losing Heroines!


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“Huh? Who are you calling loser?”

As the background of the class, I, Kazuhiko Nukumizu, witnessed a popular girl – Anna Yanami, getting rejected by another guy.

“Even though he said we’ll get married. Don’t you think he’s pretty mean?”

“When did he say that?”

“When we were 4 or 5 years old.”

That doesn’t count, right?

With this, the losing heroines like Remon Yakishio from the Track and Field Club, and Chika Komari, from the literature club.

“Nukumizu-kun. There are two types of girls. Childhood friends or cheating cats.”

“I see. Well, that’s a bold statement.”

There’s a fortune for those who shine only after losing. Losing Heroines— The curtain to the mysterious coming-of-age story “Makeine” opens now!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Make Heroine ga Oosugiru!
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23 Reviews sorted by

KagamiYato rated it
January 9, 2023
Status: --
its a good story, but the losing heroines are sometime annoying and MC like a back character fallow what they tell him, I give it 2 star because sometime I enjoy event and next switch to boring chat. BTW I hope MC find a girl not from the losing girls.
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Borer rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: v2c3
It looks like as if there have several potential love interests but so far there have only one main. So this isn't really an harem but more like one main love interest and a few female friends. Romantic developments are slow paced. I think author didn't exploit enough some points though.

The interaction between characters are quite casual but not bad, it may be boring for many though. This is a slice of life kind of plot after all.

Personally I like it so far. This is not exceptional but not bad.
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sadendingenjoyer rated it
November 3, 2022
Status: Completed
The author should make a pov of other character's more often cuz I as a reader really wanna see if there is any sort of developement in terms of romance and what most of the characters actually thought about MC and all. So far there's only a pov of the MC sister's but that doesn't make it any better :/

Its still a pretty fun read but the stuttering girl somehow make me a bit frustrated with the way she talk lol and I would give it a rating of 4.3... more>> for now.

The wait is killing me. :') <<less
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