Tonari no Otoko


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Isaki just broke up with the man of his dreams he’d been continuously chasing after for more than ten years. One day, when he decides he doesn’t want to fall in love for a while, he becomes drinking buddies with Yasuhara, who lives in the neighborhood, after sharing a table with him at an izakaya. Yasuhara has a laidback and gentle personality, and aside from the fact that he’s older, he is a far cry from Isaki’s ideal type. They enjoy a comfortable friendship but….?

Spin-off to Kiraina Otoko

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Man Beside Me
Related Series
Kiraina Otoko (Adapted From)
Kiraina Otoko (1)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance BL
  2. Next Reading List 12
  3. Danmei that are good enough to read till the end
  4. Novels 1

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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11/01/24 Suzuran Translations c1
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miyabichama rated it
November 1, 2024
Status: Completed
Translator here! I decided to translate this one since it’s a spin-off of Kiraina Otoko and I thought maybe people that enjoyed that one would like to know what happens to Isaki.

The story is about Isaki deciding once and for all to break up with Kagami, the older man he’d been in an on-and-off-again relationship with for some ten years. But since Kagami is married (his 3rd?? 4th?? who knows he’s awful) and with a child on the way this time, Isaki is ending it for good.

One day he decides... more>> to drop in at a pub in the neighborhood and meets Yasuhara, ML, who he easily gets along with and henceforth they become drinking buddies. Although Isaki swore off love for a while... life doesn’t go the way he planned and of course he starts catching feelings – who wouldn’t, Yasuhara is a GREAT dude.

There’s a small, sort of cliche ~misunderstanding~ as with most stories for the big finale but then all is well and it’s a sweet, happy ending! And then the epilogue/side chapters are from Yasuhara’s POV so just like with Kiraina Otoko, we get a peek into his thoughts. It’s a short story, you can probably finish it in one sitting~


I think it came up briefly in Kiraina Otoko, but there’s mentioned past adultery involved. Kagami dated Isaki (and other people) while he was married, but Isaki breaks up with him for good once he finds out Kagami’s wife is pregnant.

There’s also an attempted r*pe scene but nothing happens– it doesn’t get much farther than some scuffling around in the room luckily.

Just a heads up on these two things!

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