Tomorrow’s Rain Or Shine


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The cold, bad-tempered young man who harbors a secret crush and often flies into a rage out of embarrassment gong X The diligent and hard-working person who just wants to make a living, emotionally obtuse and oblivious to feelings shou.

Qiao Guanxing, a university student majoring in meteorology, suddenly finds himself transported back to ancient times. Using his knowledge to survive, he tricks the superstitious emperor into appointing him as the Imperial Astrologer.

But not long after, the crown prince, who despises all things supernatural, takes power. He hunts down Qiao Guanxing, who had already packed up and fled, dragging him back with a fierce glare, gritting his teeth and saying, “You think you can run again?”

—— A tale of miscommunication and tangled conversations.

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