Today, This Bystander Passed by the Male Lead’s Set Again


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Yi Wan joins an entertainment industry boy band where his four teammates all possess cheat-like superpowers. Relying on his own intelligence and wit, he navigates life amidst the storms caused by the male leads. Although Yi Wan is essentially a slacker without superpowers, he understands himself and leverages others’ strengths. While showcasing his own abilities, he also helps his teammates grow, preventing them from over-relying on their golden fingers.

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  1. Male Idol Novels

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09/14/24 Media Tag c0
1 Review

New Saikick
Sep 22, 2024
Status: Completed
Not sure why the rating is so low, I actually adore this story. The MC is unusual in how jaded, tired and done with the world he is; he seems to want to be a passerby, but at the same time can't help but fight hard for the sake of being free and also breaking others free from the control of the world.

ML is literally too good for the world (you'll see why if you read up to like chapter 170 or so), and also (warning for Very Big Spoiler)... more>>

gets killed by the MC, twice

. Even so he chooses to believe in and love MC, supporting him in his pursuit of freedom and whatever choices he makes.

The story is slightly fourth-wall breaking, and the bit near the end has the most accurate and in-depth description and experience of autism I've ever seen in Chinese literature. The whole plot is full of twists and turns and all the emotions hit hard - even the world weariness and tiredness of struggling against something bigger and stronger than can be imagined are infectious.

The characters are varied and well developed, each of them feeling different and inspiring empathy - the four main characters by the MC and all the small villains and supporting characters included. Even the smallest of roles has a big impact.

Despite the heavy themes and struggles, the story also maintains some feelings of joy, happiness and fun, even bringing several moments of amusement and laughter through the antics and misunderstandings of the main group. Somehow, despite brainstorming in entirely the wrong direction, gathering all the wrong evidence and assumptions, they often manage to land to the same, correct result.

All in all, I really liked this story and would heavily recommend it to anyone who likes slightly longer stories with plot and interesting characters. <<less
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