To You Whom I Mustn’t Love


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Riena, who is being forced into an unwanted marriage by her stepmother, receives proposals from two men.

One is Johannes, who fell in love at first sight and proposed six months ago, and the other is Cassel, a man who has appeared in her dreams for months, begging her to run away with him.

Riena feels suspicious and hesitates at the sudden proposals from both men, but she decides to enter into a contract marriage with Cassel, who brings a letter from her father.

“I hope you find happiness during this marriage.”

“No matter what happens, I hope you won’t give up on yourself.”

“I love you. From the moment I first saw you, always.”

Cassel’s unconditional devotion and kindness gradually draw her in, and one day, she has another dream…

〈I must have told you several times; you only need me, my lady.〉

Johannes whispers eerily, gripping her hair.

〈If you refuse again this time, I’ll kidnap you if I have to.〉

Cassel, with a pained expression, gently caresses her wounds.

And as dreams and reality continue to intertwine in similar yet different ways, Riena becomes increasingly confused…

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