To Those Who Regretted After I Died


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“I want you to divorce me. Your sister is carrying my child.”

Sophia Lemoire, the daughter of the Earl, who married into the Parlis Marquis family, was told by her husband, Alec Parlis, to divorce him in their first year of marriage.

Having never shared a bed with him even once, Sophia was told to divorce while she is still pure…

Sophia, who believed she had been a good wife to her husband, was devastated by the betrayal of her husband and sister, and in her grief, took her own life…

And what happened to them afterward…

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New admiralen rated it
November 18, 2024
Status: c26
Feels like this was written by an alien, MC never acts with any logic or reasoning.

She never ever does anything that might help or better a situation, sister is coming over and seducing husband, should I stop letting her come here? No. Should I contact our parents and tell them? No.

Its not even like shes too nice or something, she just never ever tries to improve a situation.

... more>> She doesnt speak up, she doesnt think about consequences.

And then randomly it tries to have her love the husband out of nowhere even though theyve only talked to each other like a couple times and are barely strangers.

And she even acts against her own personality and logic, she got a divorce and THEN killed herself.

Im explaining it poorly but if you read it you would be there with me screaming at her for the first couple chapters, calling her a cuck the next couple and then just not caring about her at all.

Shes so lame of a character that I didnt care that she killed herself, I didnt feel bad for her even though her sister seduced her husband. <<less
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BaccaBuddy rated it
October 18, 2024
Status: c9
If you suffer from low blood pressure and need a way to raise it fast, I highly recommend reading this novel. Not only are the FL’s sister and husband the worst kind of scum but the events that they get into and humiliate the FL with are next level insane angst. I honestly think the author was going for rage bait rather than a angsty plotline with how blood boiling this is.
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Hikami2005 rated it
October 20, 2024
Status: --
Characters are one dimensional, when I realized they were evil for the sake of being evil their actions became purely comical. I don't even feel bad for the MC because she's so passive, its not like she was raised ab*sed. No she just chose to be so.
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