Three Kingdoms: Taking Over Liu Bei’s Legacy at the Start, Rebuilding the Han Dynasty


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Transmigrating as Liu Qi, the eldest son of Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou, he is afflicted with illness and on the brink of death. The Cai clan plots to depose him, Liu Bei covets Jingzhou, Sun Quan watches like a tiger eyeing its prey, and Cao Cao is about to launch a southern campaign. Schemes and conspiracies abound, with all the warlords set on seizing Jingzhou!

This time, they all must die!

At the start, a scheme is laid out to deal with Liu Bei by giving his famous steed Dilu a bean that causes it to stumble, allowing Cai Mao to successfully eliminate Liu Bei.

Then, Liu Qi takes over Liu Bei’s entire force, skillfully avoiding the historical regrets. With the Five Tiger Generals showing their unparalleled might, the Han Dynasty is rebuilt.

Wherever the sun and moon shine, wherever the rivers flow, all is Han land, and the brilliance of the Chinese civilization illuminates the world.

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