Three Kingdoms: Prince of the Great Wei, Prime Minister Cao


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Cao Ju, after transmigrating to the end of the Han Dynasty, became Cao Cao’s eighth son.

Starting from the rescue of the dying Han noble, Xun Lingjun, who was given an “empty food box”, he embarked on a path to contend with the other sons of the Cao family and vie for supremacy against the Sun and Liu clans.

However, a practical problem lay before Cao Ju:

Cao Pi inherited Cao Cao’s cunning!

Cao Zhang inherited Cao Cao’s valor!

Cao Zhi inherited Cao Cao’s talent!

Cao Chong inherited Cao Cao’s wisdom!

When it came to him, what could he inherit from Cao Cao?

Could it be that he would truly descend to inheriting the remaining hobbies of Cao Cao, actively promoting the martial spirit of Wei, and making contributions far and wide?

Daqiao and Xiaoqiao: If the young lord arrives in Jiangdong, we two are willing to form a bond with the young lord and welcome him together!

Cao Ju: You all may question the character of my old Cao family, but you absolutely cannot insult the aesthetic sense of the Cao family!

Cao Cao: The eighth one like me can indeed carry on the family legacy!

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