This Sandbox Game is Unreliable


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As a peace-loving, farming-enthusiast sandbox game player, Chen Xiyi claims he is not the kind to bring chaos to the world as the Fourth Calamity.

He excels in converting enemies with truth and justice.

“Let’s talk this out. Put away your weapons of mass destruction, and we can discuss anything.” — The dying words of a certain red-named NPC.

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Emergency_Need_Help rated it
July 17, 2024
Status: c20
Hey there, translator here!

I was browsing the internet and found this series that's among the top-ranking popular novels. The MC has powers similar to those in Minecraft and travels to various worlds to find resources and important items. What's really cool is how the MC pretends to be an immortal descended to the mortal world, manipulating the locals' psychology to work for him in hopes of gaining immortality or ways to extend their lives. It reminds me of Lin Beifan with his whale bone from "I Am A Corrupt Official,... more>> Yet They Say I Am A Loyal Minister!"

The MC is also quite likeable; he's not naive and knows he's not particularly smart. He recognizes that the locals in these worlds aren't s*upid either but are limited by the constraints of their era, so he acts cautiously.

Overall, I highly recommend this novel because it's really interesting! <<less
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