This Necromancer Wants to Capture the Hearts of Deceased Beautiful Girls


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Descendants of transmigrators—five genius girls possessing the power of gods. Capturing their hearts is the key to transcending humanity! But they seem to have been dead for decades, making them uncapturable?

“They’re just dead, aren’t they? Just dig up their graves and pull them out of their coffins. Excuse me, but we necromancers really can do whatever we want.” —by the Necromancer, Abyss

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August 22, 2024
Status: c42
The MC is an OP necromancer from chapter 1. Normally, this might lead to the story being a boring one-sided curb stomp. But the level of enemies that he is fighting are way up there from the start. Also, there's enough mystery and adventure to keep the story interesting. Tentatively giving it 4 stars, but check 5 to give it a boost.
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